Project Overview
The Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District’s Pumping Station 17 has and will continue to convey sanitary waste from the City of Verona, Town of Verona, Town of Middleton and City of Madison to the Nine Springs Treatment Plant in a pressurized sewer known as a force main for years to come. Pumping Station 17 and the associated force main was constructed in 1995 when the City of Verona decommissioned their wastewater treatment facility and connected to the District.
Due to historical and projected growth in these areas and the fact that local pumping stations will soon reach their capacity, a second force main – known as a relief force main – is being constructed. The first phase of the force main relief project was completed in 2021. The second phase will complete the relief force main. Once complete, this relief force main will increase capacity to provide safe and reliable conveyance of untreated wastewater while protecting public health and the environment.
What is a relief force main?
A force main is a pressurized sanitary sewer that transports flow from lower to higher elevations. Force mains allow sanitary waste to travel over challenging topography such as hills and ridges to then flow by gravity. Force mains are connected to a pumping station, which supplies the initial energy.
The word “relief” means it is the second sewer of its kind along a stretch. Having a relief line conveys additional flows needed and provides system redundancy and additional capacity.
How will impacts to areas of concern (trees, wetlands, archeological etc.) be considered in the design?
During early design, a desktop analysis was performed using available tree, waterways, wetland, and archeological data to identify and help avoid areas of concern. Surveys of the route were completed to inform route refinement to help avoid sensitive areas. These include a professional boundary survey, a tree survey, an ecological survey, a wetland delineation, soil borings, and an archeological review. The data gathered from these surveys informed route refinement to help avoid sensitive areas.
Additionally, the project team used the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s ENVISION process as a guideline during the design process. This infrastructure-based rating system includes credits that focus on preserving, protecting, and enhancing the natural world.
Selected Route
The Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District has selected and finalized the route for the Pump Station 17 Rehabilitation & Force Main Relief Phase 2 project. The project design team selected the route after gaining input at the February 23, 2022 meeting, reviewing public feedback, consulting with stakeholder groups, and weighing considerations. The route was refined and finalized by completing additional coordination with landowners, conducting follow-up site-visits, and making modifications from the ecological, wetland, and tree surveys. View a map of the final sewer alignment. Aside from the location the sewer will be installed, areas will be needed for access and staging, please see the anticipated construction corridor. This construction corridor also includes the Badger Mill Creek Paved Path work.
Selected Improvements
The Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District has incorporated select corridor improvements. The selection of improvements was made possible by soliciting feedback from many stakeholder groups and the public. This map illustrates the selected corridor improvements. Improvement numbers 1, 7, 9, 10 and 11 will be completed with the construction phase of the project. Improvements 3 and 6 will be completed by Dane County after the construction phase of the project with support from Friends of Badger Mill Creek. The District thanks all who provided input.
Please reach out to Brian Christian to volunteer with the Friends of Badger Mill Creek.
Public Involvement
The District held four public information meetings for this project.
- Meeting #1: Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
- YouTube live stream link
- The intent of this meeting is to share background on the project, review route alternates, and brainstorm possible improvements.
- Meeting minutes
- Meeting #2: Wednesday, August 24, 2022, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
- YouTube live stream link
- The intent of this meeting is to share background, design progress, anticipated environmental impacts, potential corridor improvements, and next steps.
- The District conducted an online public survey from August 24th through September 7th on potential improvements for the project corridor. A total of 11 potential improvements were presented for public input, including options for the paved path and Ice Age Trail realignment. This synopsis letter shares the results of the survey, documents potential improvements with considered paved path/Ice Age Trail options, and presents next steps.
- Meeting minutes
- Meeting #3: Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
- YouTube live stream link
- The intent of this meeting is to present the construction corridor and site impacts. In-progress restoration and detour plans will be shared for public comment.
- A tree inventory viewer was presented showing trees anticipated to remain or be removed within the construction corridor.
- Public feedback on in-progress restoration plans, proposed seed mixes, and in-progress detours plans was solicited via a survey.
- Meeting minutes
- Meeting #4: Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2023, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
- YouTube live stream link
- The intent of this meeting is to present the final design and restoration plans, tentative construction sequence and schedule (subject to change), provide planned detours for pedestrian paths, and provide resources for the public during construction. This is the final meeting for the project.
- PDF of presentation
- Meeting minutes
Postcards with information about the project meetings were sent to residents within 400 feet of the project area.
Trail Closures / Detours
Many pedestrian paths will be closed or detoured during construction. Below are links to detour maps for public use.
Military Ridge State Trail temporary re-alignment
Town of Verona - trail traffic control
City of Verona / Ice Age Trail - trail traffic control
Construction Sequence / Schedule
The following is the anticipated construction sequence and schedule. The sequence and schedule are subject to change and weather dependent.
Anticipated Schedule
- Start construction - November 6, 2023
- Stage 0 - Fall/Winter 2023
- Stage 1 (Sewer) - Spring 2024
- Stage 1 (City path) - June 2024
- Stage 2 (Sewer) - Winter 2024
- Stage 3 (Sewer) - Summer 2025
Construction Project Update
View the latest project updates as of May 17, 2024.