Badger Mill Creek Project PLUS Comments

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Members of the public, organizations and interested parties are invited to submit comments regarding Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District’s Badger Mill Creek Project PLUS, which is the District’s effort to determine a solution to achieve phosphorus compliance in this waterway as required by state and federal law.

The additional comment period is closed.

What is Project PLUS?

Excess phosphorus is harming Wisconsin waters, making water quality standards increasingly restrictive. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) enforces these standards through the federal Clean Water Act and the state’s Phosphorus Rule, established on December 1, 2010. These rules set maximum thresholds for phosphorus in Wisconsin’s surface waters and set procedures through permits designed to help curb the growing issue.  Due to Phosphorus Rule requirements, Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District must develop a compliance solution for Badger Mill Creek, one of our discharge streams, through Project PLUS (Phosphorus Limits & Updated Solutions).  

Reducing phosphorus pollution requires continual, long-term strategies, but all citizens can take action to protect our lakes and streams. Through technical assessments, community engagement and ongoing partner conversations, PLUS has three goals: 

  • Achieve phosphorus compliance standards.
  • Minimize harm to the biology of the stream.
  • Maintain fiscal responsibility to ratepayers and owner communities.